Peter’elephantnose Fish

Peters'elephantnosefish (Gnathonemus petersii / Mormyrus petersii) is a native fish of central and western Africa, especially the River Niger, the Congo, Ogun and Chari.

He is dark brown to black, the body size of about 23-25 ​​cm, and has a dorsal fin and the anal of the same length. In addition, this fish is keistemewaan proboscis resembles organ (Elephant) which is located in the head. These fish live in water with pH 6 to 7.5 and a temperature of 22 - 280C.


Peters'elephantnosefish fish is nocturnal (night), other than that this fish has an elongated mouth and very sensitive. In addition, the ratio of brain size has Peters'elephantnosefish: larger body than human. Approximately 70% brain capacity is used to generate electrical signals, therefore the use of a very large brains, fish is said to be the smartest fish in the world. According to Masashi Kawasaki, a small amount of electricity generated by a special organ in their tails. The resulting electrical signal is always changing according to the fish or environmental conditions. Electrical signal is generated to detect food and some of his favorite foods are blood worms and aquatic invertebrates such as mosquito larvae. The males have a longer proboscis than females, whereas breedingnya technique still can not be done at the aquarium. Peters'elephantnoses have poor eyesight so that the electrical signal is big influence in this regard. The resulting electrical signal is very small so it will not hurt other fish in kominitasnya.


Kingdom  : Animalia
phylum     : chordates
Class        : Actinopterygii
order        : Osteoglossiformes
Family      : Mormyridae
genus        : Gnathonemus
species     : Gnathonemus petersii
 In the USA and Germany, Elephantnoses fish are used to detect the quality of drinking water, if the electrical signal increased indicating decreased water quality. when water quality deteriorates, then Elephantnose spend more electrical signals to detect food or group. Electrical signals can also be connected to the amplifier so that the resulting sonar fish while lust will be converted into sound.


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