South American Lungfish

South American Lungfish is one type of lungfish or lung fish that live in most of the Amazon river, Rio Negro and the Rio ParanĂ¡ basin. This fish has a fairly wide distribution, scattered population of Colombia, Venezuela, French Guiana, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina.
Fish habitat occupied by waters that are stagnant or slow flowing, as well as small rivers, marshes, ditches, and rivers. Uninhabitable for fish habitat are often experiencing hypoxia (lack of oxygen) or completely dry during the dry season. The lungfish has a large size, the maximum size of the wild specimens can reach 125 cm. While farmed fish rarely reach that size. Lungfish are still young at first grew rapidly, but the growth rate will slow down after reaching a size of 60 cm.Spesies this is the only species of fish that live lungs in South America as well as the only representative of its genus. This fish is a fish is a very old-fashioned, over millions of years does not change its shape. Brief shape is not much different from the lung fish which live in Africa, because it's still distantly related.

The lung fish does not include fish are active, but for the maintenance of adequate sized aquarium is needed. Lungfish are adult sized aquarium requires a minimum of 240 x 90 x 150 cm or a capacity of 3240 liters. Decoration also includes major requirements. Water movement should be kept to a minimum. Decorations that can be used include roots, wood, and smooth rocks. The substrate used can be muddy sandy substrate or substrate, but can also be left empty tank bottom depending on your taste. Make sure decorations are used is heavy enough to be moved so as not to be ruffled by the fish. Yag used better lighting in dim conditions. Most importantly is the aquarium should be a cover that can not be shifted by the fish because the fish can escape if there is a chance. Required water conditions; pH 6-8 water temperature 24-28 ° C. Lung fish is omnivorous fish in their natural habitat, especially fish, shellfish, amphibians, and plants.
In aquarium fish can adapt to different types of food in the aquarium. Feed that can be provided include shrimp, scallops, or vegetables. Large fish can be fed small fish. In the adult fish, feeding time once a week is enough. Like most fish, these fish should not be fed meat because there is a lipid content mammals that can not be parsed by the fish. Generally, these fish conciliator to large-sized tankmates. Tankmates can live with these fish include catfish, large cichlid, tigerfish, arowana, or bichirs.


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